Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Complaints and Comments

The vast majority of interactions between the police and the public are positive.

Unfortunately, sometimes you may feel that the service you receive is not up to the standard which you would expect.  

Complaints against Bedfordshire Police Force

We are unable to investigate complaints against Bedfordshire Police or individual members of staff.  This falls into the operational management of Bedfordshire Police Force.  Individual complaints should therefore be directed in the first instance to Bedfordshire Police and the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) thereafter.

Bedfordshire Police deal with all complaints against police officers below the rank of Chief Constable, all police staff and Special Constabulary.  For minor matters that can be resolved quickly and simply, a supervisor can usually deal with your complaint.  More serious matters, however, are referred to the Professional Standards Department, who will oversee the process.  Some matters, due to their seriousness, are referred to the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC).

We monitor complaints on a regular basis in order to hold the Chief Constable to account and to ensure that any appropriate lessons are learned.

Please visit the Bedfordshire Police website to submit a complaint or telephone 101.

Bedfordshire Police Force Customer Support Team can be contacted at:



Telephone: 101 and ask to be transferred to the Customer Support Team.

Complaints against the Chief Constable

Complaints against the Police and Crime


The Police and Crime Commissioner deals with complaints against the personal conduct of the Chief Constable which should be made in writing.

If you have a complaint about the Chief Constable please write to the Police and Crime Commissioner at:

Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire
Kempston HQ
Woburn Road
MK43 9AX

or email your complaint to:

Other ways to contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner:

The Police and Crime Panel has a responsibility to informally resolve non-criminal complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner as well as criminal complaints or conduct matters that are referred back to it by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

The Panel has agreed that all complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner will initially be dealt with by Bedford Borough Council’s Monitoring Officer (who is also the Panel’s Monitoring Officer).

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