Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Holding Bedfordshire Police Force To Account

Bedfordshire Police Performance

The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2021 was implemented in May 2021. This Order provides that information relating to a police force’s performance against the Government’s published national priorities for policing, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) performance reports on the force, and complaint handling must be published.

A statement on how Bedfordshire Police Force is performing in relation to key national priorities for policing. 

A critical element of Home Secretary’s strategic priority for there to be a relentless focus on cutting crime are the new National Crime and Policing Measures, which set out the Government’s key national priorities on crime. These measures fall under the following headings:

  • Reduce murder and other homicides
  • Reduce serious violence
  • Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
  • Reduce neighbourhood crime
  • Tackle cyber crime
  • Improve satisfaction among victims – with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse


Click on the below button to find out information and statistics about performance for Bedfordshire Police including case length, stop and search, police workforce diversity, police financial reserves, 999 performance data and comparisons to similar policing areas as well as nationwide data.

Information Documents and Statements from Bedfordshire Police Force for Performance and Governance Board

Holding Bedfordshire Police Force to Account 

How the force is measuring complainant satisfaction.

The Professional Standards Department (PSD) and Customer Support do not send out satisfaction surveys for complaints. Satisfaction is measured by the number of Reviews which have been received by the IOPC and OPCC and submitted by complainants.

Progress updates on implementing relevant recommendations made by the IOPC and/or HMICFRS in relation to complaints handling, or where recommendations were not accepted an explanation as to why.

IOPC recommendations are reviewed by the Professional Standards Department and are reported on via the governance board and recorded in Centurion (Complaint System). Bedfordshire Police and PSD have an obligation to update the IOPC in relation to any recommendations that are made and the proposed actions to implement these.

A summary of any mechanisms put in place to identify and act on themes or trends in complaints.

The Professional Standards Department complete processes within this category which are explained below.

  • Monthly Tactical Tasking & Coordinating Group meeting – this reviews complaints holistically with other data, particularly in relation to the PSD Control Strategy themes, to identify any themes or trends which may require proactive work or a preventative input.
  • Monthly Performance Management meeting – this reviews performance in respect of complaints. The focus here is on how efficiently and effectively complaints are being recorded, assessed and investigated with a view to improving departmental processes where necessary.
  • Proactive Management process – this reviews any individual employee who has received three or more complaints (or other PSD matters such as conduct or death/serious injury investigation) in a rolling 12 months. The purpose is to identify common behavioural themes for addressing via line management, with a view to preventing issues reoccurring.
  • Quarterly Report – this reviews complaint and allegation statistics in the round with a detailed review in relation to specified high risk complaint categories. High risk categories of stop/search, use of force and discriminatory behaviour are also reviewed separately on a quarterly basis to inform the relevant scrutiny panels within the forces/BCH.

Summary of systems in place to monitor and improve performance in the timeliness of complaints handling.

Timeliness of complaints is reviewed by PSD and Customer Support. PSD investigations are monitored by DS roles in the investigation team. Any Schedule 3 complaint which exceeds the 12 month period, the OPCC will be notified of this and the reasons behind it. The OPCC also monitors the timeliness of complaints when completing Dip Sampling.

Quality Assurance mechanisms in place to monitor and improve the quality of its responses to complaints.

PSD ensure that all complaints which have been allocated out to area are Quality Assured before final sign off. However this does not happen for complaints which are being investigated by PSD themselves. The OPCC also monitors the quality of response and the complaint in full, when completing PSD Dip Sampling.

Details of the administrative arrangements the PCC has put in place to hold the chief constable to account for complaints handling e.g. frequency of meetings and a summary of discussions.

The OPCC completes monthly Dip Sampling of PSD (Schedule 3 complaints). The OPCC also completes Dip Sampling of Lower dissatisfaction complaints which have not been recorded under Schedule 3.

As well as this, the OPCC complete a Transparency Quarterly Report where PSD Dip Sampling and Customer Support Dip Sampling is presented to the Force Exec to cover any findings or concerns. The IOPC/PSD and OPCC (Tri-Force) hold quarterly meetings to discuss complaints handling.

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