Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Reduce Murder and Homicide

Two Homicides recorded in Q2, both in September, averaging one a month 23/24. Q2 was on par with same period last year. Nationally, Bedfordshire force is above average and worst within Most Similar Groups (MSG). In terms of solved crime rate, Bedfordshire is currently below average.

Homicide and joint Serious Violence reduction strategy is being collated into one and will sit within the Serious Violence Board. The Force is working with the CofP around Homicide reduction and will be taking advantage of an additional 15-day support available.

Reduce Serious Violence

Most Serious Violence levels are stable compared to Q1 and the same period last year. September recorded levels above the upper control level and during Q2 these have been above the longer-term average. Solved crime rate ending Q2 20.6%, lower than the previous quarter and this time last year.

Op SOTERIA implementation is now progressing to address Rape and Serious Sexual Offences. Whilst the Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) – is deploying Outreach Workers in park areas across Bedfordshire during the Summer. Reactivate Workers will target 18- 25yrs whilst in custody to discuss pathways available to them to divert away from violence.

Disrupt Drugs Supply and County Lines

Q2 recorded 144 Trafficking of Drugs offences, averaging 44 crimes per month 23/24. This is up on the previous quarter and same time previous year, indicating increased police activity. Bedfordshire currently has 39 OCG’s, an increase on last quarter (27) and, 2 Priority Individuals. Along with 64 local groups operating 62 County Lines, and 9 Street Gangs (all have increased in the previous quarter).

Op COSTELLO dedicate team continues to enforce on large scale drug activity, with key focus on the professional enablers, linking into SOC Op KOALA.

Reduce Neighbourhood Crime:

Q2 recorded 387 Residential Burglaries averaging 119 crimes a month 23/24, this is higher than the previous quarter and same period in the previous year. The longer-term trend is downwards, and burglary has been below average since April 22. Solved crime 6.7% down on last quarter and same period last year.

Vehicle Crime was slightly higher Q2, compared to previous quarter and last year.

Q2 saw increased number of Personal Robbery, September just above average levels. This quarter was higher than Q1 but lower than Q2 22/23.

138 Theft from a Person during Q2, up on Q1 and last year, which is down on last quarter, above average across the quarter.

Victim Satisfaction

Internal governance review of how Victim Satisfaction managed, within Force Performance Board and Victim & Witness Engagement Board. The force is fully engaged with the Victim Survey.

Cyber crime

The trend shows a stable picture when looking at how the force: Investigate 100% of all cyber dependant crime disseminated to forced; Provide 100% of all cyber dependant crime victims with specialist advice and Action Fraud offences.

Fraud training has been delivered to the first contact teams in the Force Control Room and Crime Bureau following an identified gap in knowledge and compliance with national protocols and HOCR.

Fraud training around investigation standards delivered to CID officers at the Annual CID Conference.

Increased partnership working with Trading Standards on investigations and warrants. Both agencies now supporting each other on enforcement.

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