Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Reduce Murder and Homicide

No Homicides recorded in Q3, averaging one a month 23/24. This shows a reduction in comparison to last year – 9 verses 6. It shows an improvement in the national picture.

Homicide and joint Serious Violence reduction strategy has been collated into one and sits within the Serious Violence Board – strands include Mental Health, Domestic Abuse and Serious Violence. Bedfordshire is also involved in the Winter Homicide Prevention initiative.

Reduce Serious Violence

Most Serious Violence levels are stable compared to Q2 but up on the Q3 last year. Levels over Q3 have remained above average, averaging 36 crime per month for 23/24. Bedfordshire is now below the Most Similar Group (MSG) average.

Disrupt Drugs Supply and County Lines

Q3 recorded 117 Trafficking of Drugs offences, averaging 41 crimes per month 23/24. This is down on the previous quarter and slightly down on same time previous year. Bedfordshire currently has 31 Organised Crime Gangs (OCG’s), down on last quarter (39), and 9 Street Gangs (stable compared to Q2). There are currently 71 County Line operating across 31 groups, 12mth average is 58.8 lines. The overall number of groups has decreased for the first time since March 2023.

Reduce Neighbourhood Crime:

Q3 recorded 463 Residential Burglaries averaging 130 crimes a month 23/24, this is higher than the previous quarter and same period in the previous year. The short-term trend is upwards, and burglary has been above average since November, in line with seasonal trends. Solved crime 10.6% up on last quarter.

Vehicle Crime has reduced Q3 and has been below average to the whole quarter again down on same period last year.

Person Robbery has been stable Q3 compared to Q2 and same period last year, with an average of 42 crimes per month. The solved crime is 8.5% for Q3, which is up on Q2.

There have been 136 thefts from a Person during Q3, stable compared to Q2 and a slight increase on last year Q3. December reached upper control limit noting a particular increase in Luton.

Victim Satisfaction

Internal governance review of how Victim Satisfaction managed, within Force Performance Board and Victim & Witness Engagement Board. Is has now become a regular agenda item at performance board and Chief Inspectors are now driving coordination.

Cyber crime

The trend shows a stable picture when looking at how the force: Investigate 100% of all cyber dependant crime disseminated to forced; Provide 100% of all cyber dependant crime victims with specialist advice and Action Fraud offences.

Fraud featured as a performance spotlight in December’s performance board.

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