Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Reduce Murder and Homicide

There have been two homicides recorded in Quarter 4 (Jan – Mar 23). An internal review has been undertaken to understand the nature of Beds Homicide offending. Five Homicides were recorded in Q4, four of which were reported in February going above the upper control limit, (UCL) averaging two per month. The end of year recorded 15 crimes, which is up on the previous year. The solved crime rate up 50% comparted to the end of last year.

PRUM trial – the force has now commenced a trial of sending unidentified fingerprints to the immigration database followed by countries signed up to the Prum agreement:

Reduce Serious Violence

We see an improving trend on police recorded most Serious Violence offences and solved crime rates. Most Serious Violence levels have reduced during Q4 (22/23), lowest quarter this year. Average 19 crimes per month, below average for the year. There has been a downward trend since Sept 22, end years down on the previous year. Solved crime rates up 12.4% on the previous year.

Home Office funding application to continue the work of Op Rowan, under Grip has been submitted. Problem profile around the Night Time Economy (NTE) in Bedfordshire’s key towns have been completed and a performance framework to evaluate outcomes is being developed.

Op Boson continue to focus on proactive deployment to manage gang issues across the county, with particular focus around Luton with the deployment of Op Sparkler resources.

Disrupt Drugs Supply and County Lines

Quarter 4 recorded 128 Trafficking of Drugs offences, averaging 43 crimes per month. Year ending with 462 crimes, which was up on 21/22.  Bedfordshire currently has 27 OCG’s, up one on last quarter and, 2 Priority Individuals, along with 18 (previously 20) local groups operating 62 County Lines, noting a 26.5% increase on Q3 and 7 street gangs (previously 10 in Q3).

The Op Costello dedicate team continues to enforce on large scale drug activity, with key focus on the professional enablers. Work continues around the Drugs and Alcohol Needs Assessment, including involvement in the Police Drug Diversion Evaluation.

County line intensification week took place 27th – 3 rd March.

Reduce Neighbourhood Crime:

Quarter 4 recorded 405 Residential Burglaries averaging 135 crimes a month. The force saw (year ending) 429 fewer victims compared to the previous year. The force are currently sitting below the Most Similar Group (MSG) average. Solved crime rate shows national 4/53 and leasing within MSG.

The force has seen a reduction in Vehicle Crime during Q4, with 273 fewer victims compared Q3, year ends up on the previous year.

Personal Robbery has seen a slight increase at the end of Q4 compared to Q3, averaging 46 crimes per month, amounting to slight increase overall end of 22/23.

137 Theft from a Person during Q4, meaning it was the highest quarterly in 22/23, averaging 42 crimes per month. This shows the force stable compared to MSG and below the MSG average.

Victim Satisfaction

Internal restructure of the crime investigation supervisory regime to ensure we keep improving the standards of investigation in crime and review the compliance with the Victims Code.

New Victim Engagement Officer (VEO) embedded within the Public Protection Unit (PPU) will undertake weekly Domestic Abuse (DA) surveys, going forward.

Cyber crime

The trend shows a stable picture when looking at how the force:

Serious Fraud Investigation Unit – engaged in Op HEHOUSE initiative relating to Prevent / Pursue in February. The Nationwide City of London Police (CoLP) led operation targeting disruption of nominals and fraud. Successful application for bid of allocated funding of over £10,000.

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