Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme Memorandum of Understanding

All Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are required to understand and sign the Memorandum of Understanding prior to becoming an ICV with Bedfordshire OPCC. 

1. As an accredited member of the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioners Independent Custody Visiting Scheme, I undertake to:-

(i) Maintain high standards of personal conduct, integrity and appearance.
(ii) Arrange custody visits with fellow custody visitors, in line with agreed rosters.
(iii) Keep the co-ordinator and fellow custody visitors informed of any problems with rostered custody visits.
(iv) Carry out custody visits to designated police stations in line with the Scheme guidelines and training.
(v) Check on the conditions in which a detainee is kept, their health and wellbeing and their legal rights and entitlements, with reference to the Codes of Practice and Police and Criminal Evidence Act.
(vi) Consult, where appropriate, the detainee’s custody record to clarify and check concerns raised by the detainee.
(vii) Discuss with the custody officer/custody sergeant any concerns and requests arising from the custody visit, and to bring to the custody officer’s attention any issue that needs to be dealt with.
(viii) Check the custody environment for cleanliness, state of repair and availability of in date food.
(ix) Check the CCTV monitoring equipment is working.
(x) Complete the Independent Custody Visitor Report Form, ensuring that all relevant information is recorded correctly, clearly and concisely.
(xi) Maintain confidentiality and impartiality in relation to all parties involved in the Independent Custody Visiting process;
(xii) Make informed judgements in which the community can have confidence and which the police will accept as fair criticism when it is justified.
(xiii) Complete and submit expense claims in line with the Scheme guidelines.
(xiv) Attend continuous training sessions as appropriate.
(xv) Attend local panel meetings of Independent Custody Visitors.

2. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner will:-

(i) Ensure that custody visitors are properly supported in performance of their role.
(ii) Pay close regard to Home Office/Independent Custody Visiting Association (ICVA) guidelines and best practice.
(iii) Keep custody visitors informed of developments in Independent Custody Visiting both locally and nationally.
(iv) Ensure where necessary that any issues/concerns arising from custody visits are dealt with by the Force.
(v) Coordinate training sessions as appropriate.
(vi) Provide a point of contact, the scheme administrator, within the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
(vii) Process expense claims.
(viii) Have regard to the Scheme’s guidelines in respect of the process for dealing with complaints made against custody visitors.
(ix) Have regard to the Scheme’s guidelines in respect of the process for removing custody visitors from the scheme.

Independent Custody Visitor Signature …………………………………
Name in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS …………………………………
Date …………………………………
ICV Administrator Signature …………………………………
Name in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS …………………………………
Date …………………………………

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