Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/071
Subject: Ministry of Justice – Additional Formula Based Funding
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 05/01/2023



On 16th June 2022, the MoJ confirmed a commitment for an additional £6 million funding to “core” grants which are issued to PCCs in 2022/2023 to commission local victim support services. The additional commitment resulted in the total funding allocated to 42 PCC areas rising to £75.1 million. Bedfordshire OPCC were informed on 28th October 2022 that an additional £68,551.32 had been allocated, based on the population-based funding formula used for the current core funding grant issued, using the data from 2020 Office for National Statistics.

The OPCC accepted the additional funding on 3rd November 2022, agreeing to utilise the uplift by the end of the financial year 2022/2023.


Quarter 2 monitoring meetings took place in October/November 2022 with all providers funded via the MoJ. During these conversations, the financial position of each organisation was reviewed to understand underspend potential and peaks in demand alongside referral detail, demonstrating incoming demand and the impact of their support. In addition to financial and referral data, each organisation is asked to discuss barriers to success.

The Counselling Foundation quarterly data demonstrated that demand was outweighing their funding allocation. For domestic abuse support, The Counselling Foundation advised that 50 clients had been seen in quarters 1 and 2 however the funding allocation was for 65 people to be supported in the year. Similarly, sexual violence counselling demand was outweighing the funding allocation, with 28 people supported out of a total annual allocation of 45.

Meetings with Victim Support and Queens Park Community Organisation meetings also included discussions about gaps in their current provision. Victim Support reported a requirement for a hardship fund to support those with recourse to public funding but who still require support due to financial pressures, this was a gap identified as funding has been allocated through the MoJ SVDA fund to provide a hardship fund for those with no recourse to public funding. Queens Park Community Organisation reported a similar concern, with victims often requiring support despite having a recourse to public funding.

Upon meeting with Bedfordshire Police it was also apparent that domestic abuse victims would benefit from domestic abuse packs and support via a hardship fund so that practical support could be offered with more immediacy.

During conversations with the remaining 8 providers, no issues were raised, with financial and referral data presenting in accordance with expectations. Early Childhood Partnership is an exception to this with separate consideration.

The Commissioning Administration Officer and Commissioning and Income Generation Lead discussed each project/ provider in detail in order to understand how the additional uplift funding might be utilised to support evidenced service gaps, the resulting proposals were presented to the Head of Commissioning and Victim Services for transparency, review, and agreement.


The following proposals were taken forward to the head of Commissioning and Victim Services for sign off

– The Counselling Foundation – DA counselling sessions – £15,400

o The Counselling Foundation had forecast that they would support 65 clients throughout 2022/23 and were awarded £30,000 to do so. In quarter 1 & 2 of the year they have already supported 50 individuals and are forecasting demand will continue at a similar rate. On this basis we propose to fund The Counselling Foundation an additional £15,400 to support an additional 35 clients for 8 sessions at a cost of £55 a session.

– The Counselling Foundation – SV counselling sessions – £4,840

o The Counselling Foundation had forecast that they would support 45 clients throughout 2022/23 and were awarded £20,000 to do so. In quarter 1 & 2 of the year they have already supported 28 individuals and are forecasting demand will continue at a similar rate. On this basis we propose to fund The Counselling Foundation an additional £4,840 to support an additional 11 clients for 8 sessions at a cost of £55 a session.

– Victim Support Hardship Fund – £15,000

o Victim Support have identified a need for a hardship fund for domestic abuse victims that are not eligible for their current hardship fund available through MoJ SVDA funding, which is restricted to those who do not have recourse to public funds. The proposal is to provide a hardship fund of £15,000 to support domestic abuse victims who are not eligible for the no resource to public funding hardship fund.

– Queens Park Community Organisation – £5,000

o Queens Park Community Organisation have identified a need for additional hardship funds for victims who do not have recourse to public fund, extending to include victims of stalking and VAWG offences which are not currently supported through the £10,000 already awarded by the OPCC for 22/23.

– Bedfordshire Police Hardship Fund – £15,000

o Practical support via a hardship fund to be provided by Bedfordshire Police, to be provided to domestic abuse victims.

– Bedfordshire DA Packs – £13,311.32

o Practical support to be made available to domestic abuse victims including home security/ video doorbells, phones, sim cards, supermarket vouchers etc to make them feel safer at home.

Next Steps

• Initial conversations with providers named in the proposals to be spoken with between 21st – 30th November 2022
• Grant Agreements/ grant addendums to be issued following initial meeting and acceptance of proposal.
• Purchase order numbers to be raised and released to provider on return on signed grant agreement/ grant addendum form
• Submission of mid-point review monitoring document – to be reported alongside the quarter 3 monitoring return, deadline 18/01/2023
• Mid-point review monitoring meeting – w/c 30/01/2023 included in quarter 3 monitoring meetings
• End of funding review meeting – w/c 13/03/2023 – evaluate project success, review of underspend, and implement exit strategy
• Return underspend funds to MoJ where relevant

To note decision
Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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