Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

Email the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner


Title and Reference – PCC/D/105
Subject: Cameras, Tickets and Collisions Purchase of Additional Drugs wipes for Bedfordshire Police
Report of: Police and Crime Commissioner
Date: 23/10/2023
The Police and Crime Plan states under priority 3.5 a commitment to Road Safety, taking a public health approach to crime on the roads of Bedfordshire. The Police and Crime Commissioner manages the Cameras, Tickets and Collisions fund which is available to complete activity, supporting road safety and educational initiatives to reduce the risk to road users.

The Road Safety Partnership is a body committed to improving road safety, aiming to reduce and support casualties, families and communities impacted by crime on the road with an overarching aim to create a safer road environment across Bedfordshire.

The Road Safety Partnership consists of partners from the Local Authorities, Bedfordshire Police, Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioners office, Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue service and organisation such as National Highways and the Roads Victims Trust. Together the partnership aims to reduce road crime via sustainable reductions in road incidents. Via the Road Safety Partnership, a recommendation was made for the Police and Crime Commissioner to increase the number of drugs wipes available to police officers for use in Bedfordshire.

With occasions such as Halloween, Christmas and New Years, a recommendation is to uplift the number of drugs wipes for use on the roads across Bedfordshire improving Bedfordshire Police’s ability to test and respond to suspected drug driving, preventing road incidents.


In response to Police and Crime Plan priority 3.5, Road Safety, a recommendation is made for the Police and Crime Commissioner to provide a uplift to the number of drugs wipes available to Bedfordshire Police via the Road Safety partnership using funding from the Cameras, Tickets and Collisions fund. The uplift will support campaigns led by the Road Safety Partnership and Bedfordshire Police to improve road safety by reducing the number of drug drivers across Bedfordshire.

The recommendation is to purchase sufficient drugs wipes to last 18 months, with acknowledgement that the usage of drugs wipes is likely to increase over the winter period due to occasions. The funding for 150 drug wipes, equivalent of up to 18 months demand equating to £2,623.50 (excluding VAT) will be directly awarded to Bedfordshire Police as a recipient on behalf of the Road Safety Partnership. The quote provided is from an approved supplier for Bedfordshire Police.

To note decision

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

I hereby approve the recommendations above.

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