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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

There’s still time to have your say – PCC launches public consultation for Police and Crime Plan

There’s still time to have your say – PCC launches public consultation for Police and Crime Plan

The PCC, Festus Akinbusoye would like to invite members of the public to feedback on the Police and Crime Plan areas by completing the Official Public Consultation survey.

The PCC shared his initial ideas for the Police and Crime plan during a meeting with the Police and Crime Panel last month and, in line with one of his pledges of leading an open and transparent policing area, he wants to give the public a voice to contribute before its launch in August 2021.

The purpose of the public consultation survey is to understand if the views and needs of the people of Bedfordshire have been captured in the themes of the current draft plan. It is an opportunity to give feedback based on research that the Commissioner has already completed, which included reviews of:

  • Police data and existing police plans and risk assessments
  • Community Meetings, both public and Local Authority
  • Support Group Meetings
  • Community Safety plans with the Local Authorities
  • Victim Needs Analysis (including surveys and interviews with service users)
  • National direction; Policing Vision 2025/30 and HMICFRS State of Policing
  • Auditor reviews, both local and national
  • Health assessments

The Commissioner said “For me, it is vital that I consult with members of the public to get their view and input into the Police and Crime Plan. My number one priority is the safety of each of our residents. Therefore, your input into this is invaluable in helping to shape the plan.”

The Police and Crime Plan will launch in August 2021 and run until 2024. Communities and Criminal Justice partners across Bedfordshire have been invited to complete the survey which runs until midnight on the 1st August.

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