Bedfordshire Police Headquarters

Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire, MK43 9AX

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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Road Safety Fund

Road Safety Fund

Road safety is an integral part of community safety which is in turn a matter of significant importance to the people who live in, work in and visit Bedfordshire. Which is why a fund of money will be available for community groups and relevant partners to bid into in order to try and reduce the number of people harmed on our roads.

The partners that make up the Bedfordshire Road Safety Partnership are all committed to improving road safety and to this opportunity. Road casualties devastate families and communities. Collisions also cost the national economy an estimated £16.3 billion a year and add pressure on the NHS and emergency services.

Due to Covid-19, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner appreciates that many people quite correctly have been shielding and so is welcoming initiatives which effectively respond to the pandemic, specifically through helping people to regain their confidence or skills with driving and getting back out on the road systems.

Chief Executive for the OPCC, Clare Kelly, said “Bedfordshire has seen significant reductions in serious collisions over recent years; however we are aware that the trend is now showing signs of increase in serious collisions both in Bedfordshire and also nationally – so we cannot afford to be complacent. There is a strong collective will for us to work together; responding to accident trends, with well thought out and evidence based activity using the diverse skills each partner brings in order to achieve real changes and improvements for the people of Bedfordshire.”

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is now encouraging applications from projects and organisations which aim to make the county’s roads safer and help with any of the following objectives set:

To reduce the number of young drivers, passengers, riders and pedestrians killed or seriously injured in Bedfordshire

  • To reduce the social impact of road casualties, at an individual, family and community level
  • To reduce the number of cyclists killed or seriously injured on Bedfordshire’s roads whilst increasing the levels of cycling and cycle stages undertaken.
  • To reduce the number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured on Bedfordshire’s roads.
  • To reduce the number of motorcyclists killed and seriously injured on Bedfordshire’s roads.
  • To reduce the number of older people (aged 60 or over) killed or seriously injured on Bedfordshire’s roads.
  • To help build up the confidence of those drivers who have been prevented from driving during the pandemic.

Joshua Harris, Director of Campaigns for Brake (the road safety charity), said “Safe and healthy mobility is everyone’s human right and so improving the safety of our roads and the care for crash victims is vitally important.”

Mark Turner, Chief Executive of the Road Victims Trust, said “The traumatic effect of fatal and life-changing road collisions devastates the lives of so many. Those left bereaved will have their lives changed forever.  The Road Victims Trust are proud to work in partnership with the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner and Bedfordshire Police to provide the very best levels of care to those whose lives are at their lowest possible ebb. This has been made possible by genuine teamwork, innovation and understanding that has served the communities of Bedfordshire so well, this fund will only go further to strengthen that work, which we welcome”.

April 5th – 09:00Bids Open
May 6th – 17:00Bids Close
w/c June 15thNotifications to bidders will go out

For anyone affected by mentioned topics, please contact Signpost. Signpost can be reached on the confidential freephone number 0800 0282 887 and support services across a wide range of crimes can also be accessed via its website, if individuals prefer to self-refer. Alternatively, you can contact the Roads Victims Trust. If you require their support, please call 01234 843345 or email:, or visit their website:

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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

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Woburn Road
MK43 9AX

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