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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

£1.4m anti-social behaviour investment announced by Beds PCC

£1.4m anti-social behaviour investment announced by Beds PCC

Every police force in England and Wales will receive at least £1 million from the government to ramp up patrols to tackle violence and disorder, targeted in areas with high levels of anti-social behaviour.

It is estimated that the funding, hitting £66 million for England and Wales, will enable each force to deploy more uniformed patrols in “hotspot” areas, helping drive down crime and boost public confidence in their local force.

Police and Crime Commissioner Festus Akinbusoye said “In Bedfordshire we are tackling anti-social behaviour in both rural and urban areas, with issues being reported by our residents ranging from nuisance motorbikes and vehicles, to fly tipping. The anti-social behaviour hotspot pilots carried out by other constabularies have demonstrated what can be achieved by concentrating efforts on problem areas and following a zero-tolerance approach to drug taking, loitering and fly-tipping.

“When meeting with Bedfordshire’s communities, I hear about how the public want the tackling of anti-social behaviour to be prioritised. Bedfordshire Police’s local community policing teams work tirelessly to reassure residents and to help them feel safe, so it is great to see that the government recognises this and is willing to offer further support of our community policing operations.”

“I welcome the funding for this initiative, and I will continue to work directly with the public to ensure that the areas and activities targeted are both effective and visible.”

The £66m of funding will be targeted in areas where there is high prevalence of violence, anti-social behaviour, and illegal public drug consumption, which not only makes communities feel less safe but can fuel drug related violence.


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