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Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner

New webpage will support PCC candidates in their preparation for May election

New webpage will support PCC candidates in their preparation for May election

The role and responsibilities of the Police and Crime Commissioner is among a wealth of information being hosted on a dedicated webpage which has been launched in the run-up to the upcoming election in May.

Bedfordshire’s Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has published the page to help prospective candidates who want to stand in the election and for members of the public to be informed of what is provided to prospective candidates.

The page contains details of the forthcoming election, key documents and information about the role of PCC, the work that the OPCC is responsible for and about Bedfordshire Police. If prospective candidates ask questions or submit freedom of information requests, the responses will also be published on the web page. A briefing event for candidates will be held on 12 March to give further information and details of the role.

PCCs are elected by the public to be the voice of local people in policing and to hold the Chief Constable to account, effectively making the police answerable to the communities they serve. Under the terms of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, PCCs must:

  • Secure an efficient and effective police service for their area
  • Appoint the Chief Constable, hold them to account for running the force, and if necessary dismiss them
  • Set the police and crime objectives for their area through a police and crime plan
  • Set the force budget and determine the precept; contribute to the national and international policing capabilities set out by the Home Secretary
  • Bring together community safety and criminal justice partners, to make sure local priorities are joined up.


Chief Executive of the OPCC Anna Villette said: “There is still a lot of confusion around what the role of PCC is, so we want to make sure that anyone thinking about standing has access to as much information as possible so that they can make an informed decision.

“The role of PCC is not to lead the police force and make operational decisions, that is for the Chief Constable; and it is not to run the OPCC on a day-to-day basis, that is the role of the Chief Executive who also ensures support is provided to the PCC to carry out their duties.

“The PCC has a distinct role setting the strategic priorities for policing in the county and is the voice in policing of local people. That voice is captured via the police and crime plan, which is one of the things the PCC develops and consults on and publishes.

“The role revolves around good governance, holding people to account for delivery of services and partnership activity, commissioning services for victims of crime, setting the police budget and making recommendations about the police precept. We look forward to seeing prospective candidates at the Candidate Briefing on 12 March and in the meantime answering any questions they have or requests for information about the role that they send in.”

The Candidate Briefing on 12 March 2024 is for prospective or selected candidates and their agents/campaign managers. For those people who want to attend the briefing, please contact for further information.

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